A - Ant

Book Suggestion:
Hey, Little Ant by Phillip Hoose and Hannah Hoose

An ant begs a small boy not step on him. Children will learn about bullying, peer pressure, and empathy for those who are weaker.

Anthill with Ants Artwork
With a brown crayon, draw an anthill on a white sheet of paper. Have children make fingerprints on their anthill using an index finger dipped in black washable ink. Once the ink has dried, have children add six legs to each fingerprint using black markers.

The Anthill
Once I saw an anthill
With no ants about;
So I said, "Dear little ants,
Won't you please come out?"
Then as if the little ants
Had heard my call,
One, two, three, four, five came out,
And that was all.
~Author unknown

More Ant Activities

Sing the song "The Ants Go Marching" (see movement section).

Tape a giant letter A to the floor or outside area. Have children crawl around on the letter and pretend to be ants. Have an ant parade. Let children carry objects that start with the letter “A.”

Have children decorate letter "a" cutouts so that they are crawling with ants. Have them make fingerprints on their letter "a" cutouts using an index finger dipped in balck washable ink. Once the ink has dried, have children add six legs to each fingerprint using black markers (see craft section).