Read the Letter Storybook "Ants, Ants, Everywhere!" with children. Emphasize the beginning sounds of the letter in the story. Ask children to listen to the /A/ sound.
Online Letter Storybook
Look at the letter storybook together with children. Have children look at the title page.
What to you think this story is about?
Let children answer.
Yes, this story is about ants. Do you know which letter "ants" begins with?
Let children answer.
Yes, "ants" begins with the letter A. Can you hear the sound of the letter A? /?/ as in ants.
Make the sound together with children. Continue to the next page.
Listening mode: Children can listen to the story. To pause on a page, click the "Pause" button.
Reading mode: Read or let children read the text on each page. To listen to the text, click on the "Speaker Icon." To listen to the words, click on each word. The "Quiz" button enables children to find and select the target letter in the text.
Printable Letter Storybook
Print out all letter booklet pages and assemble booklet. Look at the title page with children.
What do you think this story is about?
Let children answer.
Yes, this story is about ants. Can you tell me which letter "ants" begins with?
Let children answer.
Yes, "ants" begins with the letter A. Can you hear the sound of the letter A? /?/ as in ants.
Make the sound together with children. Continue to the next page. Read the story and emphasize the target letter sound(s) in the story. Let children find and select the letter Aa in the text.
Pass out copies of the book and allow children to follow along as the book is reread. Place a few copies of the book in the room for children to look through and read on their own or in pairs.